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Visitation Schedules

As of the date of publish, there are three Judges who make decisions concerning parenting time in Baldwin County: Judge Bosch, Judge Scully and Judge Kemp.

There is no way to "choose" your Judge. As of now, you are subjected to fate, chance and the methods of assigning your case employed by the Baldwin County Circuit Clerk's office.

Judge Scully and Judge Bosch employ a traditional "every other weekend" schedule, whereby the non-custodial parent gets the kid(s) at 6pm on Friday and returns them at 6pm Sundays. Their Order also allows for mid-week visitation every Wednesday night. Holidays are handled on odd/even numbered year basis.

Judge Kemp is employing a different schedule, whereby midweek visitation occurs every Thursday night instead. Additionally, the non-custodial parent's weekend doesn't end until the start of School on Monday mornings. Holidays are addressed on odd/even numbered year basis. New for this year- Halloween is included!

The Baldwin County Court has employed other plans in the past (Schedule B "Out of Town" Parenting, Schedule C "True Joint" Parenting), none of which are currently acknowledged by any of the sitting Judges. Judge Bosch, for instance, will tell you she's never read either of them. As Judge Kemp is new to the Bench as of Publish (February 2025), we do not yet know how she will handle out of town cases or cases where true joint custody seems appropriate.

Times are changing in Baldwin County! See current announced, standard-issue Schedule A Orders below:

Judge Kemp's Schedule A Parenting Plan

Judge Bosch and Judge Scully's Schedule A Parenting Plan

Judge Thomason's Schedules B (out of town) and C (true joint)